One of the first events organized by the Trieste Institute for the Theory of Quantum Technologies is coming. Experts on the field will give conferences and special lectures covering applications and theory of nowadays Quantum Technologies. You can see the flier on this link

From Quantum Algorithms to Out-of-Equilibrium Phenomena in Interacting Trapped-Ion Spin Chains

Prof. Guido Pagano, Rice University

Luigi Stasi room @ICTP
Tuesday, 17.12; 11am
Special lecture: Quantum engineering with trapped ions

Prof. Guido Pagano, Rice University

Luigi Stasi room @ICTP
Wednesday, 18.12; 11am
Special lecture: Variational quantum algorithms

Dr. Gian Giacomo Guerreschi, Intel

Aula V, Physics Department @UnitTs
Wednesday, 18.12; 2pm
A scheduler of quantum circuits based on dynamical pattern improvement and its application to hardware design

Dr. Gian Giacomo Guerreschi, Intel

Luigi Stasi room @ICTP
Thursday 19.12; 11am
Categories: EventsNews