All publications from Rosario Fazio
Hybrid ferromagnetic transmon qubit: Circuit design, feasibility, and detection protocols for magnetic fluctuations
Ahmad H.G., Brosco V., Miano A., Di Palma L., Arzeo M., Montemurro D., Lucignano P., Pepe G.P., Tafuri F., Fazio R., Massarotti D.
We propose to exploit currently available tunnel ferromagnetic Josephson junctions to realize a hybrid superconducting qubit. We show that the characteristic hysteretic behavior of the ferromagnetic barrier provides an alternative and intrinsically digital tuning of the qubit frequency by means of magnetic field pulses. To illustrate functionalities and limitation of the device, we discuss the coupling to a readout resonator and the effect of magnetic fluctuations. The possibility to use the qubit as a noise detector and its relevance to investigate the subtle interplay of magnetism and superconductivity is envisaged.
Dynamical scaling of correlations generated by short- and long-range dissipation
Seetharam K., Lerose A., Fazio R., Marino J.
We study the spatiotemporal spreading of correlations in an ensemble of spins due to dissipation characterized by short- and long-range spatial profiles. Such emission channels can be synthesized with tunable spatial profiles in lossy cavity QED experiments using a magnetic field gradient and a Raman drive with multiple sidebands. We consider systems initially in an uncorrelated state, and find that correlations widen and contract in a novel pattern intimately related to both the dissipative nature of the dynamical channel and its spatial profile. Additionally, we make a methodological contribution by generalizing nonequilibrium spin-wave theory to the case of dissipative systems and derive equations of motion for any translationally invariant spin chain whose dynamics can be described by a combination of Hamiltonian interactions and dissipative Lindblad channels. Our work aims at extending the study of correlation dynamics to purely dissipative quantum simulators and compare them with the established paradigm of correlations spreading in Hamiltonian systems.
Measurement-induced criticality in extended and long-range unitary circuits
Sharma S., Turkeshi X., Fazio R., Dalmonte M.
We explore the dynamical phases of unitary Clifford circuits with variable-range interactions, coupled to a monitoring environment. We investigate two classes of models, distinguished by the action of the unitary gates, which either are organized in clusters of finite-range two-body gates, or are pair-wise interactions randomly distributed throughout the system with a power-law distribution. We find the range of the interactions plays a key role in characterizing both phases and their measurement-induced transitions. For the cluster unitary gates we find a transition between a phase with volume-law scaling of the entanglement entropy and a phase with area-law entanglement entropy. Our results indicate that the universality class of the phase transition is compatible to that of short range hybrid Clifford circuits. Oppositely, in the case of power-law distributed gates, we find the universality class of the phase transition changes continuously with the parameter controlling the range of interactions. In particular, for intermediate values of the control parameter, we find a non-conformal critical line which separates a phase with volume-law scaling of the entanglement entropy from one with sub-extensive scaling. Within this region, we find the entanglement entropy and the logarithmic negativity present a cross-over from a phase with algebraic growth of entanglement with system size, and an area-law phase.
Heat rectification through single and coupled quantum dots
Tesser L., Bhandari B., Erdman P.A., Paladino E., Fazio R., Taddei F.
We study heat rectification through quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime using a master equation approach. We consider both cases of two-terminal and four-terminal devices. In the two-terminal configuration, we analyze the case of a single quantum dot with either a doubly-degenerate level or two non-degenerate levels. In the sequential tunneling regime we analyze the behaviour of heat currents and rectification as functions of the position of the energy levels and of the temperature bias. In particular, we derive an upper bound for rectification in the closed-circuit setup with the doubly-degenerate level. We also prove the absence of a bound for the case of two non-degenerate levels and identify the ideal system parameters to achieve nearly perfect rectification. The second part of the paper deals with the effect of second-order cotunneling contributions, including both elastic and inelastic processes. In all cases we find that there exists ranges of values of parameters (such as the levels' position) where rectification is enhanced by cotunneling. In particular, in the doubly-degenerate level case we find that cotunneling corrections can enhance rectification when they reduce the magnitude of the heat currents. For the four-terminal configuration, we analyze the non-local situation of two Coulomb-coupled quantum dots, each connected to two terminals: the temperature bias is applied to the two terminals connected to one quantum dot, while the heat currents of interest are the ones flowing in the other quantum dot. Remarkably, in this situation we find that non-local rectification can be perfect as a consequence of the fact that the heat currents vanish for properly tuned parameters.
Correlation engineering via nonlocal dissipation
Seetharam K., Lerose A., Fazio R., Marino J.
Controlling the spread of correlations in quantum many-body systems is a key challenge at the heart of quantum science and technology. Correlations are usually destroyed by dissipation arising from coupling between a system and its environment. Here, we show that dissipation can instead be used to engineer a wide variety of spatiotemporal correlation profiles in an easily tunable manner. We describe how dissipation with any translationally invariant spatial profile can be realized in cold atoms trapped in an optical cavity. A uniform external field and the choice of spatial profile can be used to design when and how dissipation creates or destroys correlations. We demonstrate this control by generating entanglement preferentially sensitive to a desired spatial component of a magnetic field. We thus establish nonlocal dissipation as a route toward engineering the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of quantum information, with potential applications in quantum metrology, state preparation, and transport.
Seeding Crystallization in Time
Hajdušek M., Solanki P., Fazio R., Vinjanampathy S.
We introduce the concept of seeding of crystallization in time by studying the dynamics of an ensemble of coupled continuous time crystals. We demonstrate that a single subsystem in a broken-symmetry phase acting as a nucleation center may induce time-translation symmetry breaking across the entire ensemble. Seeding is observed for both coherent and dissipative coupling, as well as for a broad range of parameter regimes. In the spirit of mutual synchronization, we investigate the parameter regime where all subsystems are in the broken-symmetry phase. We observe that more broadly detuned time crystals require weaker coupling strength to be synchronized. This is in contrast to basic knowledge from classical as well as quantum synchronization theory. We show that this surprising observation is a direct consequence of the seeding effect.
Optimal quantum annealing: A variational shortcut-to-adiabaticity approach
Passarelli G., Fazio R., Lucignano P.
Suppressing unwanted transitions out of the instantaneous ground state is a major challenge in unitary adiabatic quantum computation. A recent approach consists in building counterdiabatic potentials approximated using variational strategies. In this contribution, we extend this variational approach to Lindbladian dynamics, having as a goal the suppression of diabatic transitions between pairs of Jordan blocks in quantum annealing. We show that, surprisingly, unitary counterdiabatic Ansätze are successful for dissipative dynamics as well, allowing for easier experimental implementations compared to Lindbladian Ansätze involving dissipation. Our approach not only guarantees improvements of open-system adiabaticity but also enhances the success probability of quantum annealing.
Dissipative Floquet Dynamics: from Steady State to Measurement Induced Criticality in Trapped-ion Chains
Sierant P., Chiriacò G., Surace F.M., Sharma S., Turkeshi X., Dalmonte M., Fazio R., Pagano G.
Quantum systems evolving unitarily and subject to quantum measurements exhibit various types of non-equilibrium phase transitions, arising from the competition between unitary evolution and measurements. Dissipative phase transitions in steady states of time-independent Liouvillians and measurement induced phase transitions at the level of quantum trajectories are two primary examples of such transitions. Investigating a many-body spin system subject to periodic resetting measurements, we argue that many-body dissipative Floquet dynamics provides a natural framework to analyze both types of transitions. We show that a dissipative phase transition between a ferromagnetic ordered phase and a paramagnetic disordered phase emerges for long-range systems as a function of measurement probabilities. A measurement induced transition of the entanglement entropy between volume law scaling and sub-volume law scaling is also present, and is distinct from the ordering transition. The two phases correspond to an error-correcting and a quantum-Zeno regimes, respectively. The ferromagnetic phase is lost for short range interactions, while the volume law phase of the entanglement is enhanced. An analysis of multifractal properties of wave function in Hilbert space provides a common perspective on both types of transitions in the system. Our findings are immediately relevant to trapped ion experiments, for which we detail a blueprint proposal based on currently available platforms.
Determination of the critical exponents in dissipative phase transitions: Coherent anomaly approach
Jin J., He W.B., Iemini F., Ferreira D., Wang Y.D., Chesi S., Fazio R.
We propose a generalization of the coherent anomaly method to extract the critical exponents of a phase transition occurring in the steady-state of an open quantum many-body system. The method, originally developed by Suzuki [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 55, 4205 (1986)JUPSAU0031-901510.1143/JPSJ.55.4205] for equilibrium systems, is based on the scaling properties of the singularity in the response functions determined through cluster mean-field calculations. We apply this method to the dissipative transverse-field Ising model and the dissipative XYZ model in two dimensions obtaining convergent results already with small clusters.
Fragility of classical Hamiltonian period doubling to quantum fluctuations
Khasseh R., Russomanno A., Fazio R.
We add quantum fluctuations to a classical period-doubling Hamiltonian time crystal, replacing the N classical interacting angular momenta with quantum spins of size l. The full permutation symmetry of the Hamiltonian allows a mapping to a bosonic model and the application of exact diagonalization for a quite large system size. In the thermodynamic limit N→∞ the model is described by a system of Gross-Pitaevskii equations whose classical-chaos properties closely mirror the finite-N quantum chaos. For N→∞, and l finite, Rabi oscillations mark the absence of persistent period doubling, which is recovered for l→∞ with Rabi-oscillation frequency tending exponentially to 0. For the chosen initial conditions, we can represent this model in terms of Pauli matrices and apply the discrete truncated Wigner approximation. For finite l this approximation reproduces no Rabi oscillations but correctly predicts the absence of period doubling. Our results show the instability of time-Translation symmetry breaking in this classical system even to the smallest quantum fluctuations, because of tunneling effects.
Intrinsic Dimension of Path Integrals: Data-Mining Quantum Criticality and Emergent Simplicity
Mendes-Santos T., Angelone A., Rodriguez A., Fazio R., Dalmonte M.
Quantum many-body systems are characterized by patterns of correlations defining highly nontrivial manifolds when interpreted as data structures. Physical properties of phases and phase transitions are typically retrieved via correlation functions, that are related to observable response functions. Recent experiments have demonstrated capabilities to fully characterize quantum many-body systems via wave-function snapshots, opening new possibilities to analyze quantum phenomena. Here, we introduce a method to data mine the correlation structure of quantum partition functions via their path integral (or equivalently, stochastic series expansion) manifold. We characterize path-integral manifolds generated via state-of-the-art quantum Monte Carlo methods utilizing the intrinsic dimension (ID) and the variance of distances between nearest-neighbor (NN) configurations: the former is related to data-set complexity, while the latter is able to diagnose connectivity features of points in configuration space. We show how these properties feature universal patterns in the vicinity of quantum criticality, that reveal how data structures simplify systematically at quantum phase transitions. This is further reflected by the fact that both ID and variance of NN distances exhibit universal scaling behavior in the vicinity of second-order and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical points. Finally, we show how non-Abelian symmetries dramatically influence quantum data sets, due to the nature of (noncommuting) conserved charges in the quantum case. Complementary to neural-network representations, our approach represents a first elementary step towards a systematic characterization of path-integral manifolds before any dimensional reduction is taken, that is informative about universal behavior and complexity, and can find immediate application to both experiments and Monte Carlo simulations.
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Markovian Open Quantum Many-Body Systems
Scarlatella O., Clerk A.A., Fazio R., Schiró M.
A number of experimental platforms relevant for quantum simulations, ranging from arrays of superconducting circuits hosting correlated states of light to ultracold atoms in optical lattices in the presence of controlled dissipative processes. Their theoretical understanding is hampered by the exponential scaling of their Hilbert space and by their intrinsic nonequilibrium nature, limiting the applicability of many traditional approaches. In this work, we extend the nonequilibrium bosonic dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to Markovian open quantum systems. Within DMFT, a Lindblad master equation describing a lattice of dissipative bosonic particles is mapped onto an impurity problem describing a single site embedded in its Markovian environment and coupled to a self-consistent field and to a non-Markovian bath, where the latter accounts for fluctuations beyond Gutzwiller mean-field theory due to the finite lattice connectivity. We develop a nonperturbative approach to solve this bosonic impurity problem, which dresses the impurity, featuring Markovian dissipative channels, with the non-Markovian bath, in a self-consistent scheme based on a resummation of noncrossing diagrams. As a first application of our approach, we address the steady state of a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model with two-body losses and incoherent pump. We show that DMFT captures hopping-induced dissipative processes, completely missed in Gutzwiller mean-field theory, which crucially determine the properties of the normal phase, including the redistribution of steady-state populations, the suppression of local gain, and the emergence of a stationary quantum-Zeno regime. We argue that these processes compete with coherent hopping to determine the phase transition toward a nonequilibrium superfluid, leading to a strong renormalization of the phase boundary at finite connectivity. We show that this transition occurs as a finite-frequency instability, leading to an oscillating-in-time order parameter, that we connect with a quantum many-body synchronization transition of an array of quantum van der Pol oscillators.
Quantum phase transition of many interacting spins coupled to a bosonic bath: Static and dynamical properties
De Filippis G., De Candia A., Mishchenko A.S., Cangemi L.M., Nocera A., Mishchenko P.A., Sassetti M., Fazio R., Nagaosa N., Cataudella V.
By using worldline and diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo techniques, matrix product state, and a variational approach à la Feynman, we investigate the equilibrium properties and relaxation features of a quantum system of N spins antiferromagnetically interacting with each other, with strength J, and coupled to a common bath of bosonic oscillators, with strength α. We show that, in the Ohmic regime, a Beretzinski-Thouless-Kosterlitz quantum phase transition occurs. While for J=0 the critical value of α decreases asymptotically with 1/N by increasing N, for nonvanishing J it turns out to be practically independent on N, allowing to identify a finite range of values of α where spin phase coherence is preserved also for large N. Then, by using matrix product state simulations, and the Mori formalism and the variational approach à la Feynman jointly, we unveil the features of the relaxation, that, in particular, exhibits a nonmonotonic dependence on the temperature reminiscent of the Kondo effect. For the observed quantum phase transition we also establish a criterion analogous to that of the metal-insulator transition in solids.
Optimal parent Hamiltonians for time-dependent states
Rattacaso D., Passarelli G., Mezzacapo A., Lucignano P., Fazio R.
Given a generic time-dependent many-body quantum state, we determine the associated parent Hamiltonian. This procedure may require, in general, interactions of any sort. Enforcing the requirement of a fixed set of engineerable Hamiltonians, we find the optimal Hamiltonian once a set of realistic elementary interactions is defined. We provide three examples of this approach. We first apply the optimization protocol to the ground states of the one-dimensional Ising model and a ferromagnetic p-spin model but with time-dependent coefficients. We also consider a time-dependent state that interpolates between a product state and the ground state of a p-spin model. We determine the time-dependent optimal parent Hamiltonian for these states and analyze the capability of this Hamiltonian of generating the state evolution. Finally, we discuss the connections of our approach to shortcuts to adiabaticity.
From nonequilibrium Green's functions to quantum master equations for the density matrix and out-of-time-order correlators: Steady-state and adiabatic dynamics
Bhandari B., Fazio R., Taddei F., Arrachea L.
We consider a finite quantum system under slow driving and weakly coupled to thermal reservoirs at different temperatures. We present a systematic derivation of the quantum master equation for the density matrix and the out-of-time-order correlators. We start from the microscopic Hamiltonian and we formulate the equations ruling the dynamics of these quantities by recourse to the Schwinger-Keldysh nonequilibrium Green's function formalism, performing a perturbative expansion in the coupling between the system and the reservoirs. We focus on the adiabatic dynamics, which corresponds to considering the linear response in the ratio between the relaxation time due to the system-reservoir coupling and the time scale associated to the driving. We calculate the particle and energy fluxes. We illustrate the formalism in the case of a qutrit coupled to bosonic reservoirs and of a pair of interacting quantum dots attached to fermionic reservoirs, also discussing the relevance of coherent effects.
Non-abelian holonomies in a generalized Lieb lattice
Brosco V., Pilozzi L., Fazio R., Conti C.
Non-abelian gauge fields emerge naturally in the description of adiabatically evolving quantum systems having degenerate levels. Here we show that they also play a role in Thouless pumping. To this end we consider a generalized photonic Lieb lattice having two degenerate non-dispersive modes and show that, when the lattice parameters are slowly modulated, the photons propagation bears the fingerprints of the underlying non-abelian gauge structure. The non-dispersive character of the bands enables a high degree of control, paving the way to the generation and detection of non-abelian gauge fields in photonic lattices. As shown in Fig. 1 , the lattice, with four sites per unit cell, has two dangling bonds in each cell. The inter- and intra- cell hopping amplitudes are J b 1 and J b 2 while J c and J d denote the hopping along the dangling bonds.
Measurement-induced entanglement transitions in the quantum Ising chain: From infinite to zero clicks
Turkeshi X., Biella A., Fazio R., Dalmonte M., Schiró M.
We investigate measurement-induced phase transitions in the quantum Ising chain coupled to a monitoring environment. We compare two different limits of the measurement problem: the stochastic quantum-state diffusion protocol corresponding to infinite small jumps per unit of time and the no-click limit, corresponding to postselection and described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. In both cases we find a remarkably similar phenomenology as the measurement strength γ is increased, namely, a sharp transition from a critical phase with logarithmic scaling of the entanglement to an area-law phase, which occurs at the same value of the measurement rate in the two protocols. An effective central charge, extracted from the logarithmic scaling of the entanglement, vanishes continuously at the common transition point, although with different critical behavior possibly suggesting different universality classes for the two protocols. We interpret the central charge mismatch near the transition in terms of noise-induced disentanglement, as suggested by the entanglement statistics which displays emergent bimodality upon approaching the critical point. The non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and its associated subradiance spectral transition provide a natural framework to understand both the extended critical phase, emerging here for a model which lacks any continuous symmetry, and the entanglement transition into the area law.
Non-Abelian Thouless pumping in a photonic lattice
Brosco V., Pilozzi L., Fazio R., Conti C.
Non-Abelian gauge fields emerge naturally in the description of adiabatically evolving quantum systems having degenerate levels. Here we show that they also play a role in Thouless pumping in the presence of degenerate bands. To this end we consider a photonic Lieb lattice having two degenerate nondispersive modes and show that, when the lattice parameters are slowly modulated, the propagation of the photons bears the fingerprints of the underlying non-Abelian gauge structure. The nondispersive character of the bands enables a high degree of control on photon propagation. Our work paves the way to the generation and detection of non-Abelian gauge fields in photonic and optical lattices.
Chaos and subdiffusion in infinite-range coupled quantum kicked rotors
Russomanno A., Fava M., Fazio R.
We map the infinite-range coupled quantum kicked rotors over an infinite-range coupled interacting bosonic model. In this way we can apply exact diagonalization up to quite large system sizes and confirm that the system tends to ergodicity in the large-size limit. In the thermodynamic limit the system is described by a set of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations equivalent to an effective nonlinear single-rotor Hamiltonian. These equations give rise to a power-law increase in time of the energy with exponent γ∼2/3 in a wide range of parameters. We explain this finding by means of a master-equation approach based on the noisy behavior of the effective nonlinear single-rotor Hamiltonian and on the Anderson localization of the single-rotor Floquet states. Furthermore, we study chaos by means of the largest Lyapunov exponent and find that it decreases towards zero for portions of the phase space with increasing momentum. Finally, we show that some stroboscopic Floquet integrals of motion of the noninteracting dynamics deviate from their initial values over a timescale related to the interaction strength according to the Nekhoroshev theorem.
Quantum Simulations with Superconducting Networks
Fazio R.
The importance of a scientific discovery sometimes is also reflected in the impact it has in the most diverse situations. The discovery of the Josephson effect has been of fundamental importance in so many different areas, from fundamental to applied science and technology. More recently, it is also playing a pivotal role also in the emerging field of quantum technologies. In this brief note I would like to highlight the importance of the Josephson effect in the realisation of quantum simulators.

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