All publications from Alessandro Silva
Remnants of Anderson localization in prethermalization induced by white noise
Lorenzo S., Apollaro T., Palma G., Nandkishore R., Silva A., Marino J.
We study the nonequilibrium evolution of a one-dimensional quantum Ising chain with spatially disordered, time-dependent, transverse fields characterized by white noise correlation dynamics. We establish prethermalization in this model, showing that the quench dynamics of the on-site transverse magnetization first approaches a metastable state unaffected by noise fluctuations, and then relaxes exponentially fast toward an infinite temperature state as a result of the noise. We also consider energy transport in the model, starting from an inhomogeneous state with two domain walls which separate regions characterized by spins with opposite transverse magnetization. We observe at intermediate timescales a phenomenology akin to Anderson localization: energy remains localized within the two domain walls, until the Markovian noise destroys coherence and, accordingly, disorder-induced localization, allowing the system to relax toward the late stages of its nonequilibrium dynamics. We compare our results with the simpler case of a noisy quantum Ising chain without disorder, and we find that the prethermal plateau is a generic property of spin chains with weak noise, while the phenomenon of prethermal Anderson localization is a specific feature arising from the competition of noise and disorder in the real-time transport properties of the system.
Chaotic Dynamical Ferromagnetic Phase Induced by Nonequilibrium Quantum Fluctuations
Lerose A., Marino J., Žunkovič B., Gambassi A., Silva A.
We investigate the robustness of a dynamical phase transition against quantum fluctuations by studying the impact of a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor spin interaction in one spatial dimension on the nonequilibrium dynamical phase diagram of the fully connected quantum Ising model. In particular, we focus on the transient dynamics after a quantum quench and study the prethermal state via a combination of analytic time-dependent spin wave theory and numerical methods based on matrix product states. We find that, upon increasing the strength of the quantum fluctuations, the dynamical critical point fans out into a chaotic dynamical phase within which the asymptotic ordering is characterized by strong sensitivity to the parameters and initial conditions. We argue that such a phenomenon is general, as it arises from the impact of quantum fluctuations on the mean-field out of equilibrium dynamics of any system which exhibits a broken discrete symmetry.
Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Chains with Long-Range Interactions: Merging Different Concepts of Nonequilibrium Criticality
Žunkovič B., Heyl M., Knap M., Silva A.
We theoretically study the dynamics of a transverse-field Ising chain with power-law decaying interactions characterized by an exponent α, which can be experimentally realized in ion traps. We focus on two classes of emergent dynamical critical phenomena following a quantum quench from a ferromagnetic initial state: The first one manifests in the time-averaged order parameter, which vanishes at a critical transverse field. We argue that such a transition occurs only for long-range interactions α≤2. The second class corresponds to the emergence of time-periodic singularities in the return probability to the ground-state manifold which is obtained for all values of α and agrees with the order parameter transition for α≤2. We characterize how the two classes of nonequilibrium criticality correspond to each other and give a physical interpretation based on the symmetry of the time-evolved quantum states.
From localization to anomalous diffusion in the dynamics of coupled kicked rotors
Notarnicola S., Iemini F., Rossini D., Fazio R., Silva A., Russomanno A.
We study the effect of many-body quantum interference on the dynamics of coupled periodically kicked systems whose classical dynamics is chaotic and shows an unbounded energy increase. We specifically focus on an N-coupled kicked rotors model: We find that the interplay of quantumness and interactions dramatically modifies the system dynamics, inducing a transition between energy saturation and unbounded energy increase. We discuss this phenomenon both numerically and analytically through a mapping onto an N-dimensional Anderson model. The thermodynamic limit N→∞, in particular, always shows unbounded energy growth. This dynamical delocalization is genuinely quantum and very different from the classical one: Using a mean-field approximation, we see that the system self-organizes so that the energy per site increases in time as a power law with exponent smaller than 1. This wealth of phenomena is a genuine effect of quantum interference: The classical system for N≥2 always behaves ergodically with an energy per site linearly increasing in time. Our results show that quantum mechanics can deeply alter the regularity or ergodicity properties of a many-body-driven system.
The Role of Quantum Work Statistics in Many-Body Physics
Goold J., Plastina F., Gambassi A., Silva A.
In this contribution, we aim to illustrate how quantum work statistics can be used as a tool in order to gain insight on the universal features of non-equilibrium many-body systems. Focusing on the two-point measurement approach to work, we first outline the formalism and show how the related irreversible entropy production may be defined for a unitary process. We then explore the physics of sudden quenches from the point of view of work statistics and show how the characteristic function of work can be expressed as the partition function of a corresponding classical statistical physics problem in a film geometry. Connections to the concept of fidelity susceptibility are explored along with the corresponding universal critical scaling. We also review how large deviation theory applied to quantum work statistics gives further insight to universal properties. The quantum-to-classical mapping turns out to have close connections with the historical problem of orthogonality catastrophe: we therefore discuss how this relationship may be exploited in order to experimentally extract quantum work statistics in many-body systems.
Dynamical phase transitions and temporal orthogonality in one-dimensional hard-core bosons: From the continuum to the lattice
Fogarty T., Usui A., Busch T., Silva A., Goold J.
We investigate the dynamics of the rate function and of local observables after a quench in models which exhibit phase transitions between a superfluid and an insulator in their ground states. Zeros of the return probability, corresponding to singularities of the rate functions, have been suggested to indicate the emergence of dynamical criticality and we address the question of whether such zeros can be tied to the dynamics of physically relevant observables and hence order parameters in the systems. For this we first numerically analyze the dynamics of a hard-core boson gas in a one-dimensional waveguide when a quenched lattice potential is commensurate with the particle density. Such a system can undergo a pinning transition to an insulating state and we find non-analytic behavior in the evolution of the rate function which is indicative of dynamical phase transitions. In addition, we perform simulations of the time dependence of the momentum distribution and compare the periodicity of this collapse and revival cycle to that of the non-analyticities in the rate function: the two are found to be closely related only for deep quenches. We then confirm this observation by analytic calculations on a closely related discrete model of hard-core bosons in the presence of a staggered potential and find expressions for the rate function for the quenches. By extraction of the zeros of the survival amplitude we uncover a non-equilibrium timescale for the emergence of non-analyticities and discuss its relationship with the dynamics of the experimentally relevant parity operator.
Dynamical quantum phase transitions in systems with continuous symmetry breaking
Weidinger S.A., Heyl M., Silva A., Knap M.
Interacting many-body systems that are driven far away from equilibrium can exhibit phase transitions between dynamically emerging quantum phases, which manifest as singularities in the Loschmidt echo. Whether and under which conditions such dynamical transitions occur in higher-dimensional systems with spontaneously broken continuous symmetries is largely elusive thus far. Here, we study the dynamics of the Loschmidt echo in the three-dimensional O(N) model following a quantum quench from a symmetry-breaking initial state. The O(N) model exhibits a dynamical transition in the asymptotic steady state, separating two phases with a finite and vanishing order parameter, that is associated with the broken symmetry. We analytically calculate the rate function of the Loschmidt echo and find that it exhibits periodic kink singularities when this dynamical steady-state transition is crossed. The singularities arise exactly at the zero crossings of the oscillating order parameter. As a consequence, the appearance of the kink singularities in the transient dynamics is directly linked to a dynamical transition in the order parameter. Furthermore, we argue, that our results for dynamical quantum phase transitions in the O(N) model are general and apply to generic systems with continuous symmetry breaking.
Multipartite entanglement after a quantum quench
Pappalardi S., Russomanno A., Silva A., Fazio R.
We study the multipartite entanglement of a quantum many-body system undergoing a quantum quench. We quantify the multipartite entanglement through the quantum Fisher information (QFI) density, and we are able to express it after a quench in terms of a generalised response function. For pure state initial conditions and in the thermodynamic limit, we can express the QFI as the fluctuations of an observable computed in the so-called diagonal ensemble. We apply the formalism to the dynamics of a quantum Ising chain, after a quench in the transverse field. In this model the asymptotic state is, in almost all cases, more than two-partite entangled. Moreover, starting from the ferromagnetic phase, we find a divergence of multipartite entanglement for small quenches closely connected to a corresponding divergence of the correlation length.
Linear ramps of the mass in the O(N) model: Dynamical transition and quantum noise of excitations
Maraga A., Smacchia P., Silva A.
Nonthermal dynamical critical behavior can arise in isolated quantum systems brought out of equilibrium by a change in time of their parameters. While this phenomenon has been studied in a variety of systems in the case of a sudden quench, we consider here its sensitivity to a change of protocol by considering the experimentally relevant case of a linear ramp in time. Focusing on the O(N) model in the large-N limit, we will show that a dynamical phase transition is always present for all durations of the ramp, and we discuss the crossover between the sudden quench transition and one dominated by the equilibrium quantum critical point. We show that the critical behavior of the statistics of the excitations, signaling the nonthermal nature of the transition, is also robust. An intriguing crossover in the equal-time correlation function, related to an anomalous coarsening, is also discussed.
Prethermalization from a low-density Holstein-Primakoff expansion
Marcuzzi M., Marino J., Gambassi A., Silva A.
We consider the nonequilibrium dynamics arising after a quench of the transverse magnetic field of a quantum Ising chain, together with the sudden switch-on of a long-range interaction term. The dynamics after the quantum quench is mapped onto a fully connected model of hard-core bosons, after a suitable combination of a Holstein-Primakoff transformation and of a low-density expansion in the quasiparticles injected by the quench. This mapping holds for a broad class of initial states and for quenches which do not cross the critical point of the transverse field Ising model. We then study the algebraic relaxation in time of a number of observables towards a metastable, prethermal state, which becomes the asymptotic steady state in the thermodynamic limit.
Dynamical phase transitions and Loschmidt echo in the infinite-range XY model
Unkovič B., Silva A., Fabrizio M.
We compare two different notions of dynamical phase transitions in closed quantum systems. The first is identified through the time-averaged value of the equilibrium-order parameter, whereas the second corresponds to non-analyticities in the time behaviour of the Loschmidt echo. By exactly solving the dynamics of the infinite-range XYmodel, we show that in this model non-analyticities of the Loschmidt echo are not connected to standard dynamical phase transitions and are not robust against quantum fluctuations. Furthermore, we show that the existence of either of the two dynamical transitions is not necessarily connected to the equilibrium quantum phase transition.
Total correlations of the diagonal ensemble herald the many-body localization transition
Goold J., Gogolin C., Clark S.R., Eisert J., Scardicchio A., Silva A.
The intriguing phenomenon of many-body localization (MBL) has attracted significant interest recently, but a complete characterization is still lacking. In this work we introduce the total correlations, a concept from quantum information theory capturing multipartite correlations, to the study of this phenomenon. We demonstrate that the total correlations of the diagonal ensemble provides a meaningful diagnostic tool to pin-down, probe, and better understand the MBL transition and ergodicity breaking in quantum systems. In particular, we show that the total correlations has sublinear dependence on the system size in delocalized, ergodic phases, whereas we find that it scales extensively in the localized phase developing a pronounced peak at the transition. We exemplify the power of our approach by means of an exact diagonalization study of a Heisenberg spin chain in a disordered field. By a finite size scaling analysis of the peak position and crossover point from log to linear scaling we collect evidence that ergodicity is broken before the MBL transition in this model.
Prethermalization of weakly interacting bosons after a sudden interaction quench
Menegoz G., Silva A.
We calculate the dynamics of local and non-local correlation functions of a three dimensional weakly interacting Bose gas after an interaction quench. Within the Bogoliubov approximation we discuss the resulting quasi-steady prethermal state and relaxation to it. We finally discuss the decay rates of Bogoliubov quasi-particles characterizing the expected departure from the prethermal state towards a fully thermalized one.
Exploring dynamical phase transitions and prethermalization with quantum noise of excitations
Smacchia P., Knap M., Demler E., Silva A.
Dynamical phase transitions can occur in isolated quantum systems that are brought out of equilibrium by sudden parameter changes. We discuss the characterization of such dynamical phase transitions based on the statistics of produced excitations. We consider both the O(N) model in the large-N limit and a spin model with long-range interactions and show that the dynamical criticality of their prethermal steady states manifests most dramatically not in the average number of excitations but in their higher moments. We argue that the growth of defect fluctuations carries unique signatures of the dynamical criticality, irrespective of the precise details of the model. Our theoretical results should be relevant to quantum quench experiments with ultracold bosonic atoms in optical lattices.
Dynamics in many-body localized quantum systems without disorder
Schiulaz M., Silva A., Müller M.
We study the relaxation dynamics of strongly interacting quantum systems that display a kind of many-body localization in spite of their translation-invariant Hamiltonian. We show that dynamics starting from a random initial configuration is nonperturbatively slow in the hopping strength, and potentially genuinely nonergodic in the thermodynamic limit. In finite systems with periodic boundary conditions, density relaxation takes place in two stages, which are separated by a long out-of-equilibrium plateau whose duration diverges exponentially with the system size. We estimate the phase boundary of this quantum glass phase, and discuss the role of local resonant configurations. We suggest experimental realizations and methods to observe the discussed nonergodic dynamics.
Absence of thermalization in a Fermi liquid
Maraga A., Silva A., Fabrizio M.
We study a weak interaction quench in a three-dimensional Fermi gas. We first show that, under some general assumptions on time-dependent perturbation theory, the perturbative expansion of the long-wavelength structure factor S(q) is not compatible with the hypothesis that steady-state averages correspond to thermal ones. In particular, S(q) does develop an analytical component ∼const+O(q2) at q→0, as implied by thermalization, but, in contrast, it maintains a nonanalytic part ∼|q| characteristic of a Fermi liquid at zero-temperature. In real space, this nonanalyticity corresponds to persisting power-law decaying density-density correlations, whereas thermalization would predict only an exponential decay. We next consider the case of a dilute gas, where one can obtain nonperturbative results in the interaction strength but at lowest order in the density. We find that in the steady state the momentum distribution jump at the Fermi surface remains finite, though smaller than in equilibrium, up to second order in kFf0, where f0 is the scattering length of two particles in the vacuum. Both results question the emergence of a finite length scale in the quench dynamics as expected by thermalization.
Quantum quenches, linear response and superfluidity out of equilibrium
Rossini D., Fazio R., Giovannetti V., Silva A.
By analysing the sensitivity to a twist in the boundary conditions of the stationary state attained by a many-body system long after a quantum quench, we extend the concepts of the helicity modulus and the stiffness to non-equilibrium situations. Using these generalised quantities, we characterise the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of hard-core bosons quenched to/from superfluid/insulating phases and show that qualitative new features emerge as compared to the equilibrium case. Our predictions can be tested in experiments with cold bosonic atoms confined in toroidal traps and subject to artificial gauge fields. © CopyrightEPLA, 2014.
Nonadiabatic stationary behavior in a driven low-dimensional gapped system
Maraga A., Smacchia P., Fabrizio M., Silva A.
We discuss the emergence of nonadiabatic behavior in the dynamics of the order parameter in a low-dimensional quantum many-body system subject to a linear ramp of one of its parameters. While performing a ramp within a gapped phase seems to be the most favorable situation for adiabaticity, we show that such a change leads eventually to the disruption of the order, no matter how slowly the ramp is performed. We show this in detail by studying the dynamics of the one-dimensional quantum Ising model subject to linear variation of the transverse magnetic field within the ferromagnetic phase, and then propose a general argument applicable to other systems. © 2014 American Physical Society.
Complexity of controlling quantum many-body dynamics
Caneva T., Silva A., Fazio R., Lloyd S., Calarco T., Montangero S.
We demonstrate that arbitrary time evolutions of many-body quantum systems can be reversed even in cases when only part of the Hamiltonian can be controlled. The reversed dynamics obtained via optimal control - contrary to standard time-reversal procedures - is extremely robust to external sources of noise. We provide a lower bound on the control complexity of a many-body quantum dynamics in terms of the dimension of the manifold supporting it, elucidating the role played by integrability in this context. © 2014 American Physical Society.
Nonequilibrium dynamics of a noisy quantum Ising chain: Statistics of work and prethermalization after a sudden quench of the transverse field
Marino J., Silva A.
We discuss the nonequilibrium dynamics of a quantum Ising chain following a quantum quench of the transverse field and in the presence of a Gaussian time-dependent noise. We discuss the probability distribution of the work done on the system both for static and dynamic noise. While the effect of static noise is to smooth the low energy threshold of the statistic of the work, appearing for sudden quenches, a dynamical noise protocol affects also the spectral weight of such features. We also provide a detailed derivation of the kinetic equation for the Green's functions on the Keldysh contour and the time evolution of observables of physical interest, extending previously reported results [Marino and Silva, Phys. Rev. B 86, 060408 (2012)PRBMDO1098-012110.1103/ PhysRevB.86.060408], and discussing the extension of the concept of prethermalization which can be used to study noisy quantum many-body Hamiltonians driven out of equilibrium. © 2014 American Physical Society.

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