All publications from Giuseppe Mussardo
Integrable Floquet Hamiltonian for a Periodically Tilted 1D Gas
Colcelli A., Mussardo G., Sierra G., Trombettoni A.
An integrable model subjected to a periodic driving gives rise generally to a nonintegrable Floquet Hamiltonian. Here we show that the Floquet Hamiltonian of the integrable Lieb-Liniger model in the presence of a linear potential with a periodic time-dependent strength is instead integrable and its quasienergies can be determined using the Bethe ansatz approach. We discuss various aspects of the dynamics of the system at stroboscopic times and we also propose a possible experimental realization of the periodically driven tilting in terms of a shaken rotated ring potential.
Generalized Riemann hypothesis, time series and normal distributions
Leclair A., Mussardo G.
L functions based on Dirichlet characters are natural generalizations of the Riemann function: they both have series representations and satisfy an Euler product representation, i.e. an infinite product taken over prime numbers. In this paper we address the generalized Riemann hypothesis relative to the non-trivial complex zeros of the Dirichlet L functions by studying the possibility to enlarge the original domain of convergence of their Euler product. The feasibility of this analytic continuation is ruled by the asymptotic behavior in N of the series involving Dirichlet characters modulo q on primes p n . Although deterministic, these series have pronounced stochastic features which make them analogous to random time series. We show that the B N 's satisfy various normal law probability distributions. The study of their large asymptotic behavior poses an interesting problem of statistical physics equivalent to the single Brownian trajectory problem, here addressed by defining an appropriate ensemble involving intervals of primes. For non-principal characters, we show that the series B N present a universal diffusive random walk behavior in view of the Dirichlet theorem on the equidistribution of reduced residue classes modulo q and the Lemke Oliver-Soundararajan conjecture on the distribution of pairs of residues on consecutive primes. This purely diffusive behavior of B N implies that the domain of convergence of the infinite product representation of the Dirichlet L-functions for non-principal characters can be extended from down to , without encountering any zeros before reaching this critical line.
Universal off-diagonal long-range-order behavior for a trapped Tonks-Girardeau gas
Colcelli A., Viti J., Mussardo G., Trombettoni A.
The scaling of the largest eigenvalue λ0 of the one-body density matrix of a system with respect to its particle number N defines an exponent C and a coefficient B via the asymptotic relation λ0∼BNC. The case C=1 corresponds to off-diagonal long-range order. For a one-dimensional homogeneous Tonks-Girardeau gas, a well-known result also confirmed by bosonization gives instead C=1/2. Here we investigate the inhomogeneous case, initially addressing the behavior of C in the presence of a general external trapping potential V. We argue that the value C=1/2 characterizes the hard-core system independently of the nature of the potential V. We then define the exponents γ and β, which describe the scaling of the peak of the momentum distribution with N and the natural orbital corresponding to λ0, respectively, and we derive the scaling relation γ+2β=C. Taking as a specific case the power-law potential V(x)2n, we give analytical formulas for γ and β as functions of n. Analytical predictions for the coefficient B are also obtained. These formulas are derived by exploiting a recent field theoretical formulation and checked against numerical results. The agreement is excellent.
Generalized Riemann hypothesis and stochastic time series
Mussardo G., Leclair A.
Using the Dirichlet theorem on the equidistribution of residue classes modulo q and the Lemke Oliver-Soundararajan conjecture on the distribution of pairs of residues on consecutive primes, we show that the domain of convergence of the infinite product of Dirichlet L-functions of non-principal characters can be extended from down to , without encountering any zeros before reaching this critical line. The possibility of doing so can be traced back to a universal diffusive random walk behavior of a series C N over the primes which underlies the convergence of the infinite product of the Dirichlet functions. The series C N presents several aspects in common with stochastic time series and its control requires to address a problem similar to the single Brownian trajectory problem in statistical mechanics. In the case of the Dirichlet functions of non principal characters, we show that this problem can be solved in terms of a self-averaging procedure based on an ensemble of block variables computed on extended intervals of primes. Those intervals, called inertial intervals, ensure the ergodicity and stationarity of the time series underlying the quantity C N. The infinity of primes also ensures the absence of rare events which would have been responsible for a different scaling behavior than the universal law of the random walks.
Deviations from off-diagonal long-range order in one-dimensional quantum systems
Colcelli A., Mussardo G., Trombettoni A.
A quantum system exhibits off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) when the largest eigenvalue λ0 of the one-body-density matrix scales as λ0 ∼ N, where N is the total number of particles. Putting λ0 ∼ NC to define the scaling exponent C, then C = 1 corresponds to ODLRO and C = 0 to the single-particle occupation of the density matrix orbitals. When 0 < C <1, C can be used to quantify deviations from ODLRO. In this paper we study the exponent C in a variety of one-dimensional bosonic and anyonic quantum systems at T = 0. For the 1D Lieb-Liniger Bose gas we find that for small interactions C is close to 1, implying a mesoscopic condensation, i.e., a value of the zero temperature "condensate" fraction λ0/N appreciable at finite values of N (as the ones in experiments with 1D ultracold atoms). 1D anyons provide the possibility to fully interpolate between C = 1 and 0. The behaviour of C for these systems is found to be non-monotonic both with respect to the coupling constant and the statistical parameter.
Yang-Lee zeros of the Yang-Lee model
Mussardo G., Bonsignori R., Trombettoni A.
To understand the distribution of the Yang-Lee zeros in quantum integrable field theories we analyse the simplest of these systems given by the 2D Yang-Lee model. The grand-canonical partition function of this quantum field theory, as a function of the fugacity z and the inverse temperature β, can be computed in terms of the thermodynamics Bethe Ansatz based on its exact S-matrix. We extract the Yang-Lee zeros in the complex plane by using a sequence of polynomials of increasing order N in z which converges to the grand-canonical partition function. We show that these zeros are distributed along curves which are approximate circles as it is also the case of the zeros for purely free theories. There is though an important difference between the interactive theory and the free theories, for the radius of the zeros in the interactive theory goes continuously to zero in the high-temperature limit while in the free theories it remains close to 1 even for small values of β, jumping to 0 only at .
Non relativistic limit of integrable QFT with fermionic excitations
Bastianello A., De Luca A., Mussardo G.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the non-relativistic limit of integrable quantum field theories with fermionic fields, such as the O(N) Gross-Neveu model, the supersymmetric Sinh-Gordon and non-linear sigma models. The non-relativistic limit of these theories is implemented by a double scaling limit which consists of sending the speed of light c to infinity and rescaling at the same time the relevant coupling constant of the model in such a way to have finite energy excitations. For the general purpose of mapping the space of continuous non-relativistic integrable models, this paper completes and integrates the analysis done in Bastianello A et al (2016 J. Stat. Mech. 123104) on the non-relativistic limit of purely bosonic theories.
The coprime quantum chain
Mussardo G., Giudici G., Viti J.
In this paper we introduce and study the coprime quantum chain, i.e. a strongly correlated quantum system defined in terms of the integer eigenvalues n i of the occupation number operators at each site of a chain of length M. The n i's take value in the interval [2,q] and may be regarded as S z eigenvalues in the spin representation j = (q - 2)/2. The distinctive interaction of the model is based on the coprimality matrix : for the ferromagnetic case, this matrix assigns lower energy to configurations where occupation numbers n i and i+1 of neighbouring sites share a common divisor, while for the anti-ferromagnetic case it assigns a lower energy to configurations where n i and n i+1 are coprime. The coprime chain, both in the ferro and anti-ferromagnetic cases, may present an exponential number of ground states whose values can be exactly computed by means of graph theoretical tools. In the ferromagnetic case there are generally also frustration phenomena. A fine tuning of local operators may lift the exponential ground state degeneracy and, according to which operators are switched on, the system may be driven into different classes of universality, among which the Ising or Potts universality class. The paper also contains an appendix by Don Zagier on the exact eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coprimality matrix in the limit .
On truncated generalized Gibbs ensembles in the Ising field theory
Essler F.H.L., Mussardo G., Panfil M.
We discuss the implementation of two dierent truncated Generalized Gibbs Ensembles (GGE) describing the stationary state after a mass quench process in the Ising Field Theory. One truncated GGE is based on the semi-local charges of the model, the other on regularized versions of its ultra-local charges. We test the eciency of the two dierent ensembles by comparing their predictions for the stationary state values of the single-particle Green's function G(x ) = (x )-(0)- of the complex fermion field -(x ). We find that both truncated GGEs are able to recover G(x), but for a given number of charges the semi-local version performs better.
Non relativistic limit of integrable QFT and Lieb–Liniger models
Bastianello A., de Luca A., Mussardo G.
In this paper we study a suitable limit of integrable QFT with the aim to identify continuous non-relativistic integrable models with local interactions. This limit amounts to sending to infinity the speed of light c but simultaneously adjusting the coupling constant g of the quantum field theories in such a way to keep finite the energies of the various excitations. The QFT considered here are Toda field theories and the O(N) non-linear sigma model. In both cases the resulting non-relativistic integrable models consist only of Lieb–Liniger models, which are fully decoupled for the Toda theories while symmetrically coupled for the O(N) model. These examples provide explicit evidence of the universality and ubiquity of the Lieb–Liniger models and, at the same time, suggest that these models may exhaust the list of possible non-relativistic integrable theories of bosonic particles with local interactions.
Quench dynamics in two-dimensional integrable SUSY models
Cubero A.C., Mussardo G., Panfil M.
We analyse quench processes in two-dimensional quantum field theories with an infinite number of conservation laws which also include fermionic charges that close a N = 1 supersymmetric algebra. While in general the quench protocol induces a breaking of supersymmetry, we show that there are particular initial states which also ensure the persistence of supersymmetry for the dynamics out of equilibrium. We discuss the conditions that identify such states and, as application, we present the significant cases of the Tricritical Ising model and the Sine-Gordon model at its supersymmetric point. We also address the issue of the generalised Gibbs ensemble in the presence of fermionic conserved charges.
Introduction to 'Quantum Integrability in out of Equilibrium Systems'
Calabrese P., Essler F., Mussardo G.
Equilibration properties of classical integrable field theories
De Luca A., Mussardo G.
We study the equilibration properties of classical integrable field theories at a finite energy density, with a time evolution that starts from initial conditions far from equilibrium. These classical field theories may be regarded as quantum field theories in the regime of high occupation numbers. This observation permits to recover the classical quantities from the quantum ones by taking a proper h →0 limit. In particular, the time averages of the classical theories can be expressed in terms of a suitable version of the LeClair- Mussardo formula relative to the generalized Gibbs ensemble. For the purposes of handling time averages, our approach provides a solution of the problem of the infinite gap solutions of the inverse scattering method.
Bound states of Majorana fermions in semi-classical approximation
Mussardo G.
We derive a semi-classical formula for computing the spectrum of bound states made of Majorana fermions in a generic non-integrable twodimensional (2D) quantum field theory with a set of degenerate vacua. We illustrate the application of the formula in a series of cases, including an asymmetric well potential where the spectra of bosons and fermions may have some curious features. We also discuss the merging of fermionic and bosonic spectra in the presence of supersymmetry. Finally, we use the semi-classical formula to analyse the evolution of the particle spectra in a class of nonintegrable supersymmetry models.
Generalized Gibbs ensembles for quantum field theories
Essler F., Mussardo G., Panfil M.
We consider the nonequilibrium dynamics in quantum field theories (QFTs). After being prepared in a density matrix that is not an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, such systems are expected to relax locally to a stationary state. In the presence of local conservation laws, these stationary states are believed to be described by appropriate generalized Gibbs ensembles. Here we demonstrate that in order to obtain a correct description of the stationary state, it is necessary to take into account conservation laws that are not (ultra)local in the usual sense of QFTs, but fulfill a significantly weaker form of locality. We discuss the implications of our results for integrable QFTs in one spatial dimension.
Truncated conformal space approach for 2D Landau-Ginzburg theories
Coser A., Beria M., Brandino G., Konik R., Mussardo G.
We study the spectrum of Landau-Ginzburg theories in 1 + 1 dimensions using the truncated conformal space approach employing a compactified boson. We study these theories both in their broken and unbroken phases. We first demonstrate that we can reproduce the expected spectrum of a Φ2 theory (i.e. a free massive boson) in this framework. We then turn to Φ4 in its unbroken phase and compare our numerical results with the predictions of two-loop perturbation theory, finding excellent agreement. We then analyze the broken phase of Φ4 where kink excitations together with their bound states are present. We confirm the semiclassical predictions for this model on the number of stable kink-antikink bound states. We also test the semiclassics in the double well phase of Φ6 Landau-Ginzburg theory, again finding agreement.
Energy-pressure relation for low-dimensional gases
Mancarella F., Mussardo G., Trombettoni A.
A particularly simple relation of proportionality between internal energy and pressure holds for scale-invariant thermodynamic systems (with Hamiltonians homogeneous functions of the coordinates), including classical and quantum - Bose and Fermi - ideal gases. One can quantify the deviation from such a relation by introducing the internal energy shift as the difference between the internal energy of the system and the corresponding value for scale-invariant (including ideal) gases. After discussing some general thermodynamic properties associated with the scale-invariance, we provide criteria for which the internal energy shift density of an imperfect (classical or quantum) gas is a bounded function of temperature. We then study the internal energy shift and deviations from the energy-pressure proportionality in low-dimensional models of gases interpolating between the ideal Bose and the ideal Fermi gases, focusing on the Lieb-Liniger model in 1d and on the anyonic gas in 2d. In 1d the internal energy shift is determined from the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz integral equations and an explicit relation for it is given at high temperature. Our results show that the internal energy shift is positive, it vanishes in the two limits of zero and infinite coupling (respectively the ideal Bose and the Tonks-Girardeau gas) and it has a maximum at a finite, temperature-depending, value of the coupling. Remarkably, at fixed coupling the energy shift density saturates to a finite value for infinite temperature. In 2d we consider systems of Abelian anyons and non-Abelian Chern-Simons particles: as it can be seen also directly from a study of the virial coefficients, in the usually considered hard-core limit the internal energy shift vanishes and the energy is just proportional to the pressure, with the proportionality constant being simply the area of the system. Soft-core boundary conditions at coincident points for the two-body wavefunction introduce a length scale, and induce a non-vanishing internal energy shift: the soft-core thermodynamics is considered in the dilute regime for both the families of anyonic models and in that limit we can show that the energy-pressure ratio does not match the area of the system, opposed to what happens for hard-core (and in particular 2d Bose and Fermi) ideal anyonic gases.
Boundary state in an integrable quantum field theory out of equilibrium
Sotiriadis S., Takacs G., Mussardo G.
We study a quantum quench of the mass and the interaction in the Sinh-Gordon model starting from a large initial mass and zero initial coupling. Our focus is on the determination of the expansion of the initial state in terms of post-quench excitations. We argue that the large energy profile of the involved excitations can be relevant for the late time behaviour of the system and common regularization schemes are unreliable. We therefore proceed in determining the initial state by first principles expanding it in a systematic and controllable fashion on the basis of the asymptotic states. Our results show that, for the special limit of pre-quench parameters we consider, it assumes a squeezed state form that has been shown to evolve so as to exhibit the equilibrium behaviour predicted by the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble. © 2014 The Authors.
Infinite-time average of local fields in an integrable quantum field theory after a quantum quench
Mussardo G.
The infinite-time average of the expectation values of local fields of any interacting quantum theory after a global quench process are key quantities for matching theoretical and experimental results. For quantum integrable field theories, we show that they can be obtained by an ensemble average that employs a particular limit of the form factors of local fields and quantities extracted by the generalized Bethe ansatz. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Statistical interparticle potential of an ideal gas of non-Abelian anyons
Mancarella F., Trombettoni A., Mussardo G.
We determine and study the statistical interparticle potential of an ideal system of non-Abelian Chern-Simons (NACS) particles, comparing our results with the corresponding results of an ideal gas of Abelian anyons. In the Abelian case, the statistical potential depends on the statistical parameter α; it has 'quasi-bosonic' behavior for 0 < α < 1/2 (non-monotonic with a minimum) and 'quasi-fermionic' behavior for 1/2 α < 1 (monotonically decreasing without a minimum). In the non-Abelian case, the behavior of the statistical potential depends on the Chern-Simons coupling and the isospin quantum number: as a function of these two parameters, a phase diagram with quasi-bosonic, quasi-fermionic and bosonic-like regions is obtained and investigated. Finally, using the obtained expression for the statistical potential, we compute the second virial coefficient of the NACS gas, which correctly reproduces the results available in the literature. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.

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