All publications from Andrea Gambassi
Dynamics of optically trapped particles tuned by critical Casimir forces and torques
Magazzù A., Callegari A., Staforelli J.P., Gambassi A., Dietrich S., Volpe G.
We investigate the effects of critical Casimir forces and demixing, on the dynamics of a pair of optically trapped particles dispersed in the bulk of a critical binary mixure in proximity of its critical point.
Quasilocalized excitations induced by long-range interactions in translationally invariant quantum spin chains
Lerose A., Žunkovič B., Silva A., Gambassi A.
We show that long-range ferromagnetic interactions in quantum spin chains can induce spatial quasilocalization of topological magnetic defects, i.e., domain walls, even in the absence of quenched disorder. Utilizing matrix-product-states numerical techniques, we study the nonequilibrium evolution of initial states with one or more domain walls under the effect of a transverse field in variable-range quantum Ising chains. Upon increasing the range of these interactions, we demonstrate the occurrence of a sharp transition characterized by the suppression of spatial diffusion of the excitations during the accessible time scale: the excess energy density remains localized around the initial position of the domain walls. This quasilocalization is accurately reproduced by an effective semiclassical model, which elucidates the crucial role that long-range interactions play in this phenomenon. The predictions of this Rapid Communication can be tested in current experiments with trapped ions.
Impact of nonequilibrium fluctuations on prethermal dynamical phase transitions in long-range interacting spin chains
Lerose A., Žunkovič B., Marino J., Gambassi A., Silva A.
We study the nonequilibrium phase diagram and the dynamical phase transitions occurring during the prethermalization of nonintegrable quantum spin chains, subject to either quantum quenches or linear ramps of a relevant control parameter. We consider spin systems in which long-range ferromagnetic interactions compete with short-range, integrability-breaking terms. We capture the prethermal stages of the nonequilibrium evolution via a time-dependent spin-wave expansion at leading order in the spin-wave density. In order to access regimes with strong integrability breaking, instead, we perform numerical simulations based on the time-dependent variational principle with matrix product states. By investigating a large class of quantum spin models, we demonstrate that nonequilibrium fluctuations can significantly affect the dynamics near critical points of the phase diagram, resulting in a chaotic evolution of the collective order parameter, akin to the dynamics of a classical particle in a multiple-well potential subject to quantum friction. We also elucidate the signature of this novel dynamical phase on the time-dependent correlation functions of the local order parameter. We finally establish a connection with the notion of dynamical quantum phase transition associated with a possible nonanalytic behavior of the return probability amplitude, or Loschmidt echo, showing that the latter displays cusps whenever the order parameter vanishes during its real-time evolution.
Controlling the dynamics of colloidal particles by critical Casimir forces
Magazzù A., Callegari A., Staforelli J.P., Gambassi A., Dietrich S., Volpe G.
Critical Casimir forces can play an important role for applications in nano-science and nano-technology, owing to their piconewton strength, nanometric action range, fine tunability as a function of temperature, and exquisite dependence on the surface properties of the involved objects. Here, we investigate the effects of critical Casimir forces on the free dynamics of a pair of colloidal particles dispersed in the bulk of a near-critical binary liquid solvent, using blinking optical tweezers. In particular, we measure the time evolution of the distance between the two colloids to determine their relative diffusion and drift velocity. Furthermore, we show how critical Casimir forces change the dynamic properties of this two-colloid system by studying the temperature dependence of the distribution of the so-called first-passage time, i.e., of the time necessary for the particles to reach for the first time a certain separation, starting from an initially assigned one. These data are in good agreement with theoretical results obtained from Monte Carlo simulations and Langevin dynamics.
Surface-induced nonequilibrium dynamics and critical Casimir forces for model B in film geometry
Gross M., Gambassi A., Dietrich S.
Using analytic and numerical approaches, we study the spatiotemporal evolution of a conserved order parameter of a fluid in film geometry, following an instantaneous quench to the critical temperature Tc as well as to supercritical temperatures. The order parameter dynamics is chosen to be governed by model B within mean-field theory and is subject to no-flux boundary conditions as well as to symmetric surface fields at the confining walls. The latter give rise to critical adsorption of the order parameter at both walls and provide the driving force for the non-Trivial time evolution of the order parameter. During the dynamics, the order parameter is locally and globally conserved; thus, at thermal equilibrium, the system represents the canonical ensemble. We furthermore consider the dynamics of the nonequilibrium critical Casimir force, which we obtain based on the generalized force exerted by the order parameter field on the confining walls. We identify various asymptotic regimes concerning the time evolution of the order parameter and the critical Casimir force and we provide, within our approach, exact expressions of the corresponding dynamic scaling functions.
Chaotic Dynamical Ferromagnetic Phase Induced by Nonequilibrium Quantum Fluctuations
Lerose A., Marino J., Žunkovič B., Gambassi A., Silva A.
We investigate the robustness of a dynamical phase transition against quantum fluctuations by studying the impact of a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor spin interaction in one spatial dimension on the nonequilibrium dynamical phase diagram of the fully connected quantum Ising model. In particular, we focus on the transient dynamics after a quantum quench and study the prethermal state via a combination of analytic time-dependent spin wave theory and numerical methods based on matrix product states. We find that, upon increasing the strength of the quantum fluctuations, the dynamical critical point fans out into a chaotic dynamical phase within which the asymptotic ordering is characterized by strong sensitivity to the parameters and initial conditions. We argue that such a phenomenon is general, as it arises from the impact of quantum fluctuations on the mean-field out of equilibrium dynamics of any system which exhibits a broken discrete symmetry.
The Role of Quantum Work Statistics in Many-Body Physics
Goold J., Plastina F., Gambassi A., Silva A.
In this contribution, we aim to illustrate how quantum work statistics can be used as a tool in order to gain insight on the universal features of non-equilibrium many-body systems. Focusing on the two-point measurement approach to work, we first outline the formalism and show how the related irreversible entropy production may be defined for a unitary process. We then explore the physics of sudden quenches from the point of view of work statistics and show how the characteristic function of work can be expressed as the partition function of a corresponding classical statistical physics problem in a film geometry. Connections to the concept of fidelity susceptibility are explored along with the corresponding universal critical scaling. We also review how large deviation theory applied to quantum work statistics gives further insight to universal properties. The quantum-to-classical mapping turns out to have close connections with the historical problem of orthogonality catastrophe: we therefore discuss how this relationship may be exploited in order to experimentally extract quantum work statistics in many-body systems.
Universal Gaussian behavior of driven lattice gases at short times
Volpati V., Basu U., Caracciolo S., Gambassi A.
The dynamic and static critical behaviors of driven and equilibrium lattice gas models are studied in two spatial dimensions. We show that in the short-time regime immediately following a critical quench, the dynamics of the transverse anisotropic order parameter, its autocorrelation, and Binder cumulant are consistent with the prediction of a Gaussian, i.e., noninteracting, effective theory, both for the nonequilibrium lattice gases and, to some extent, their equilibrium counterpart. Such a superuniversal behavior is observed only at short times after a critical quench, while the various models display their distinct behaviors in the stationary states, described by the corresponding, known universality classes.
Probing non-thermal density fluctuations in the one-dimensional Bose gas
Nardis J.D., Panfil M., Gambassi A., Cugliandolo L.F., Konik R., Foini L.
Quantum integrable models display a rich variety of non-thermal excited states with unusual properties. The most common way to probe them is by performing a quantum quench, i.e., by letting a many-body initial state unitarily evolve with an integrable Hamiltonian. At late times these systems are locally described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble with as many effective temperatures as their local conserved quantities. The experimental measurement of this macroscopic number of temperatures remains elusive. Here we show that they can be obtained for the Bose gas in one spatial dimension by probing the dynamical structure factor of the system after the quench and by employing a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem that we provide. Our procedure allows us to completely reconstruct the stationary state of a quantum integrable system from state-of-the-art experimental observations.©
Statistical field theory with constraints: Application to critical Casimir forces in the canonical ensemble
Gross M., Gambassi A., Dietrich S.
The effect of imposing a constraint on a fluctuating scalar order parameter field in a system of finite volume is studied within statistical field theory. The canonical ensemble, corresponding to a fixed total integrated order parameter (e.g., the total number of particles), is obtained as a special case of the theory. A perturbative expansion is developed which allows one to systematically determine the constraint-induced finite-volume corrections to the free energy and to correlation functions. In particular, we focus on the Landau-Ginzburg model in a film geometry (i.e., in a rectangular parallelepiped with a small aspect ratio) with periodic, Dirichlet, or Neumann boundary conditions in the transverse direction and periodic boundary conditions in the remaining, lateral directions. Within the expansion in terms of ϵ=4-d, where d is the spatial dimension of the bulk, the finite-size contribution to the free energy of the confined system and the associated critical Casimir force are calculated to leading order in ϵ and are compared to the corresponding expressions for an unconstrained (grand canonical) system. The constraint restricts the fluctuations within the system and it accordingly modifies the residual finite-size free energy. The resulting critical Casimir force is shown to depend on whether it is defined by assuming a fixed transverse area or a fixed total volume. In the former case, the constraint is typically found to significantly enhance the attractive character of the force as compared to the grand canonical case. In contrast to the grand canonical Casimir force, which, for supercritical temperatures, vanishes in the limit of thick films, in the canonical case with fixed transverse area the critical Casimir force attains for thick films a negative value for all boundary conditions studied here. Typically, the dependence of the critical Casimir force both on the temperaturelike and on the fieldlike scaling variables is different in the two ensembles.
Viscosity of a sheared correlated (near-critical) model fluid in confinement
Rohwer C., Gambassi A., Krüger M.
Second-order phase transitions are characterized by a divergence of the spatial correlation length of the order parameter fluctuations. For confined systems, this is known to lead to remarkable equilibrium physical phenomena, including finite-size effects and critical Casimir forces. We explore here some non-equilibrium aspects of these effects in the stationary state resulting from the action of external forces: by analyzing a model of a correlated fluid under shear, spatially confined by two parallel plates, we study the resulting viscosity within the setting of (Gaussian) Landau-Ginzburg theory. Specifically, we introduce a model in which the hydrodynamic velocity field (obeying the Stokes equation) is coupled to an order parameter with dissipative dynamics. The well-known Green-Kubo relation for bulk systems is generalized for confined systems. This is shown to result in a non-local Stokes equation for the fluid flow, due to the correlated fluctuations. The resulting effective shear viscosity shows universal as well as non-universal contributions, which we study in detail. In particular, the deviation from the bulk behavior is universal, depending on the ratio of the correlation length and the film thickness L. In addition, at the critical point the viscosity is proportional to , where is a dynamic length scale. These findings are expected to be experimentally observable, especially for systems where the bulk viscosity is affected by critical fluctuations.
Ballistic front dynamics after joining two semi-infinite quantum Ising chains
Perfetto G., Gambassi A.
We consider two semi-infinite quantum Ising chains initially at thermal equilibrium at two different temperatures and subsequently joined by an interaction between their end points. Transport properties such as the heat current are determined by the dynamics of the left- and right-moving fermionic quasiparticles which characterize the ensuing unitary dynamics. Within the so-called semiclassical space-time scaling limit we extend known results by determining the full space and time dependence of the density and current of energy and of fermionic quasiparticles. Upon approaching the edge of the propagating front, these quantities as well as the two-point correlation function display qualitatively different behaviors depending on the transverse field of the chain being critical or not. While in the latter case corrections to the leading behavior are described, as expected, by the Airy kernel, in the former a novel scaling form emerges with universal features.
Measuring effective temperatures in a generalized Gibbs ensemble
Foini L., Gambassi A., Konik R., Cugliandolo L.F.
The local physical properties of an isolated quantum statistical system in the stationary state reached long after a quench are generically described by the Gibbs ensemble, which involves only its Hamiltonian and the temperature as a parameter. If the system is instead integrable, additional quantities conserved by the dynamics intervene in the description of the stationary state. The resulting generalized Gibbs ensemble involves a number of temperature-like parameters, the determination of which is practically difficult. Here we argue that in a number of simple models these parameters can be effectively determined by using fluctuation-dissipation relationships between response and correlation functions of natural observables, quantities which are accessible in experiments.
Laser operation and Bose-Einstein condensation: Analogies and differences
Chiocchetta A., Gambassi A., Carusotto I.
After reviewing the interpretation of laser operation as a nonequilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation phase transition, we illustrate the novel features arising from the nonequilibrium nature of photon and polariton Bose-Einstein condensates recently observed in experiments. We then propose a quantitative criterion to experimentally assess the equilibrium versus nonequilibrium nature of a specific condensation process, based on fluctuation-dissipation relations. The power of this criterion is illustrated on two models which show very different behaviors.
Dynamical Crossovers in Prethermal Critical States
Chiocchetta A., Gambassi A., Diehl S., Marino J.
We study the prethermal dynamics of an interacting quantum field theory with an N-component order parameter and O(N) symmetry, suddenly quenched in the vicinity of a dynamical critical point. Depending on the initial conditions, the evolution of the order parameter, and of the response and correlation functions, can exhibit a temporal crossover between universal dynamical scaling regimes governed, respectively, by a quantum and a classical prethermal fixed point, as well as a crossover from a Gaussian to a non-Gaussian prethermal dynamical scaling. Together with a recent experiment, this suggests that quenches may be used in order to explore the rich variety of dynamical critical points occurring in the nonequilibrium dynamics of a quantum many-body system. We illustrate this fact by using a combination of renormalization group techniques and a nonperturbative large-N limit.
Short-Time Behavior and Criticality of Driven Lattice Gases
Basu U., Volpati V., Caracciolo S., Gambassi A.
The nonequilibrium short-time critical behaviors of driven and undriven lattice gases are investigated via Monte Carlo simulations in two spatial dimensions starting from a fully disordered initial configuration. In particular, we study the time evolution of suitably defined order parameters, which account for the strong anisotropy introduced by the homogeneous drive. We demonstrate that, at short times, the dynamics of all these models is unexpectedly described by an effective continuum theory in which transverse fluctuations, i.e., fluctuations averaged along the drive, are Gaussian, irrespective of this being actually the case in the stationary state. Strong numerical evidence is provided, in remarkable agreement with that theory, both for the driven and undriven lattice gases, which therefore turn out to display the same short-time dynamics.
Nonadditivity of critical Casimir forces
Callegari A., Paladugu S., Tuna Y., Barth L., Dietrich S., Gambassi A., Volpe G.
We provide the first experimental evidence of nonadditivity for critical Casimir forces: the force that two colloidal particles exert together on a third one differs from the sum of the forces they exert separately.
Experimental investigation of critical Casimir forces in binary liquid mixtures by blinking optical tweezers
Magazzù A., Schmidt F., Callegari A., Gambassi A., Dietrich S., Volpe G.
We investigate, for the first time and by blinking optical tweezers, the effects of critical Casimir forces (CCFs) on the free dynamics of a pair of spherical colloidal particles, immersed in binary liquid mixtures upon approaching their critical points.
Prethermalization from a low-density Holstein-Primakoff expansion
Marcuzzi M., Marino J., Gambassi A., Silva A.
We consider the nonequilibrium dynamics arising after a quench of the transverse magnetic field of a quantum Ising chain, together with the sudden switch-on of a long-range interaction term. The dynamics after the quantum quench is mapped onto a fully connected model of hard-core bosons, after a suitable combination of a Holstein-Primakoff transformation and of a low-density expansion in the quasiparticles injected by the quench. This mapping holds for a broad class of initial states and for quenches which do not cross the critical point of the transverse field Ising model. We then study the algebraic relaxation in time of a number of observables towards a metastable, prethermal state, which becomes the asymptotic steady state in the thermodynamic limit.
Short-time universal scaling and light-cone dynamics after a quench in an isolated quantum system in d spatial dimensions
Chiocchetta A., Tavora M., Gambassi A., Mitra A.
We investigate the effects of fluctuations on the dynamics of an isolated quantum system represented by a φ22 field theory with O(N) symmetry after a quench in d>2 spatial dimensions. A perturbative renormalization-group approach involving a dimensional expansion in ϵ=4-d is employed in order to study the evolution within a prethermal regime controlled by elastic dephasing. In particular, we focus on a quench from a disordered initial state to the critical point, which introduces an effective temporal boundary in the evolution. At this boundary, the relevant fields acquire an anomalous scaling dimension, while the evolution of both the order parameter and its correlation and response functions display universal aging. Since the relevant excitations propagate ballistically, a light cone in real space emerges. At longer times, the onset of inelastic scattering appears as secularly growing self-generated dissipation in the effective Keldysh field theory, with the strength of the dissipative vertices providing an estimate for the time needed to leave the prethermal regime.

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