All publications from Alessandro Silva
Multipartite entanglement in the measurement-induced phase transition of the quantum Ising chain
Paviglianiti A., Silva A.
External monitoring of quantum many-body systems can give rise to a measurement-induced phase transition characterized by a change in behavior of the entanglement entropy from an area law to an unbounded growth. In this paper, we show that this transition extends beyond bipartite correlations to multipartite entanglement. Using the quantum Fisher information, we investigate the entanglement dynamics of a continuously monitored quantum Ising chain. Multipartite entanglement exhibits the same phase boundaries observed for the entropy in the postselected no-click trajectory. Instead, quantum jumps give rise to a more complex behavior that still features the transition, but adds the possibility of having a third phase with logarithmic entropy but bounded multipartiteness.
Measurement phase transitions in the no-click limit as quantum phase transitions of a non-hermitean vacuum
Zerba C., Silva A.
We study dynamical phase transitions occurring in the stationary state of the dynamics of integrable many-body non-hermitian Hamiltonians, which can be either realized as a no-click limit of a stochastic Schrödinger equation or using spacetime duality of quantum circuits. In two specific models, the Transverse Field Ising Chain and the Long Range Kitaev Chain, we observe that the entanglement phase transitions occurring in the stationary state have the same nature as that occurring in the vacuum of the nonhermitian Hamiltonian: bounded entanglement entropy when the imaginary part of the quasi-particle spectrum is gapped and a logarithmic growth for gapless imaginary spectrum. This observation suggests the possibility to generalize the area-law theorem to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.
Full view on the dynamics of an impurity coupled to two one-dimensional baths
Stefanini M., Capone M., Silva A.
We consider a model for the motion of an impurity interacting with two parallel, one-dimensional baths, described as two Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid systems. The impurity is able to move along the baths, and to jump from one to the other. We provide a perturbative expression for the evolution of the system when the impurity is injected in one of the baths, with a given wave packet. We obtain an approximation formally of infinite order in the impurity-bath coupling, which allows us to reproduce the orthogonality catastrophe. We monitor and discuss the dynamics of the impurity and its effect on the baths, in particular for a Gaussian wave packet. Besides the motion of the impurity, we also analyze the dynamics of the bath density and momentum density (i.e., the particle current), and show that it fits an intuitive semiclassical interpretation. We also quantify the correlation that is established between the baths by calculating the interbath, equal-time spatial correlation functions of both bath density and momentum, finding a complex pattern. We show that this pattern contains information on both the impurity motion and on the baths, and that these can be unveiled by taking appropriate "slices"of the time evolution.
Probing chaos in the spherical p-spin glass model
Correale L., Polkovnikov A., Schirò M., Silva A.
We study the dynamics of a quantum p-spin glass model starting from initial states defined in microcanonical shells, in a classical regime. We compute different chaos estimators, such as the Lyapunov exponent and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, and find a marked maximum as a function of the energy of the initial state. By studying the relaxation dynamics and the properties of the energy landscape we show that the maximal chaos emerges in correspondence with the fastest spin relaxation and the maximum complexity, thus suggesting a qualitative picture where chaos emerges as the trajectories are scattered over the exponentially many saddles of the underlying landscape. We also observe hints of ergodicity breaking at low energies, indicated by the correlation function and a maximum of the fidelity susceptibility.
Quantum local random networks and the statistical robustness of quantum scars
Surace F.M., Dalmonte M., Silva A.
We investigate the emergence of quantum scars in a general ensemble of random Hamiltonians (of which the PXP is a particular realization), that we refer to as quantum local random networks. We find a class of scars, that we call “statistical”, and we identify specific signatures of the localized nature of these eigenstates by analyzing a combination of indicators of quantum ergodicity and properties related to the network structure of the model. Within this parallelism, we associate the emergence of statistical scars to the presence of “motifs” in the network, that reflects how these are associated to links with anomalously small connectivity. Most remarkably, statistical scars appear at well-defined values of energy, predicted solely on the base of network theory. We study the scaling of the number of statistical scars with system size: by continuously changing the connectivity of the system we find that there is a transition from a regime where the constraints are too weak for scars to exist for large systems to a regime where constraints are stronger and the number of statistical scars increases with system size. This allows to define the concept of “statistical robustness” of quantum scars.
Taking the temperature of a pure quantum state
Mitchison M.T., Purkayastha A., Brenes M., Silva A., Goold J.
Temperature is a deceptively simple concept that still raises deep questions at the forefront of quantum physics research. The observation of thermalization in completely isolated quantum systems, such as cold-atom quantum simulators, implies that a temperature can be assigned even to individual, pure quantum states. Here, we propose a scheme to measure the temperature of such pure states through quantum interference. Our proposal involves interferometry of an auxiliary qubit probe, which is prepared in a superposition state and subsequently decoheres due to weak coupling with a closed, thermalized many-body system. Using only a few basic assumptions about chaotic quantum systems, namely, the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and the emergence of hydrodynamics at long times, we show that the qubit undergoes pure exponential decoherence at a rate that depends on the temperature of its surroundings. We verify our predictions by numerical experiments on a quantum spin chain that thermalizes after absorbing energy from a periodic drive. Our Letter provides a general method to measure the temperature of isolated, strongly interacting systems under minimal assumptions.
Out-of-time-order correlations and the fine structure of eigenstate thermalization
Brenes M., Pappalardi S., Mitchison M.T., Goold J., Silva A.
Out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) have become established as a tool to characterise quantum information dynamics and thermalization in interacting quantum many-body systems. It was recently argued that the expected exponential growth of the OTOC is connected to the existence of correlations beyond those encoded in the standard Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH). We show explicitly, by an extensive numerical analysis of the statistics of operator matrix elements in conjunction with a detailed study of OTOC dynamics, that the OTOC is indeed a precise tool to explore the fine details of the ETH. In particular, while short-time dynamics is dominated by correlations, the long-time saturation behavior gives clear indications of an operator-dependent energy scale ωGOE associated to the emergence of an effective Gaussian random matrix theory. We provide an estimation of the finite-size scaling of ωGOE for the general class of observables composed of sums of local operators in the infinite-temperature regime and found linear behavior for the models considered.
Motion of an impurity in a two-leg ladder
Stefanini M., Capone M., Silva A.
We study the motion of an impurity in a two-leg ladder interacting with two fermionic baths along each leg, a simple model bridging cold atom quantum simulators with an idealized description of the basic transport processes in a layered heterostructure. Using the linked-cluster expansion, we obtain exact analytical results for the single-particle Green's function and find that the long-time behavior is dominated by an intrinsic orthogonality catastrophe associated to the motion of the impurity in each one-dimensional chain. We explore both the case of two identical legs as well as the case where the legs are characterized by different interaction strengths: In the latter case, we observe a subleading correction which can be relevant for intermediate-time transport at an interface between different materials. In all the cases, we do not find significant differences between the intra- and interleg Green's functions in the long-time limit.
Exact many-body scars and their stability in constrained quantum chains
Surace F.M., Votto M., Lazo E.G., Silva A., Dalmonte M., Giudici G.
Quantum scars are nonthermal eigenstates characterized by low entanglement entropy, initially detected in systems subject to nearest-neighbor Rydberg blockade, the so-called PXP model. While most of these special eigenstates elude an analytical description and seem to hybridize with nearby thermal eigenstates for large systems, some of them can be written as matrix product states with size-independent bond dimension. We study the response of these exact quantum scars to perturbations by analyzing the scaling of the fidelity susceptibility with system size. We find that some of them are anomalously stable at first order in perturbation theory, in sharp contrast to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. However, this stability seems to break down when all orders are taken into account. We further investigate models with larger blockade radius and find a set of exact quantum scars that we write down analytically and compare with the PXP exact eigenstates. We show that they exhibit the same robustness against perturbations at first order.
Multipartite Entanglement Structure in the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis
Brenes M., Pappalardi S., Goold J., Silva A.
We study the quantum Fisher information (QFI) and, thus, the multipartite entanglement structure of thermal pure states in the context of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH). In both the canonical ensemble and the ETH, the quantum Fisher information may be explicitly calculated from the response functions. In the case of the ETH, we find that the expression of the QFI bounds the corresponding canonical expression from above. This implies that although average values and fluctuations of local observables are indistinguishable from their canonical counterpart, the entanglement structure of the state is starkly different; with the difference amplified, e.g., in the proximity of a thermal phase transition. We also provide a state-of-the-art numerical example of a situation where the quantum Fisher information in a quantum many-body system is extensive while the corresponding quantity in the canonical ensemble vanishes. Our findings have direct relevance for the entanglement structure in the asymptotic states of quenched many-body dynamics.
Quantum echo dynamics in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Pappalardi S., Polkovnikov A., Silva A.
Understanding the footprints of chaos in quantum-many-body systems has been under debate for a long time. In this work, we study the echo dynamics of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model with transverse field under effective time reversal. We investigate numerically its quantum and semiclassical dynamics. We explore how chaotic many-body quantum physics can lead to exponential divergence of the echo of observables and we show that it is a result of three requirements: i) the collective nature of the observable, ii) a properly chosen initial state and iii) the existence of a well-defined chaotic semi-classical (large-N) limit. Under these conditions, the echo grows exponentially up to the Ehrenfest time, which scales logarithmically with the number of spins N. In this regime, the echo is well described by the semiclassical (truncated Wigner) approximation. We also discuss a short-range version of the SK model, where the Ehrenfest time does not depend on N and the quantum echo shows only polynomial growth. Our findings provide new insights on scrambling and echo dynamics and how to observe it experimentally.
Slow heating in a quantum coupled kicked rotors system
Notarnicola S., Silva A., Fazio R., Russomanno A.
We consider a finite-size periodically driven quantum system of coupled kicked rotors which exhibits two distinct regimes in parameter space: a dynamically-localized one with kinetic-energy saturation in time and a chaotic one with unbounded energy absorption (dynamical delocalization). We provide numerical evidence that the kinetic energy grows subdiffusively in time in a parameter region close to the boundary of the chaotic dynamically-delocalized regime. We map the different regimes of the model via a spectral analysis of the Floquet operator and investigate the properties of the Floquet states in the subdiffusive regime. We observe an anomalous scaling of the average inverse participation ratio (IPR) analogous to the one observed at the critical point of the Anderson transition in a disordered system. We interpret the behavior of the IPR and the behavior of the asymptotic-time energy as a mark of the breaking of the eigenstate thermalization in the subdiffusive regime. Then we study the distribution of the kinetic-energy-operator off-diagonal matrix elements. We find that in presence of energy subdiffusion they are not Gaussian and we propose an anomalous random matrix model to describe them.
Dynamical phase diagram of a quantum Ising chain with long-range interactions
Piccitto G., Žunkovič B., Silva A.
We investigate the effect of short-range correlations on the dynamical phase diagram of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions. Focusing on Ising spin chains with power-law decaying interactions and accounting for short-range correlations by a cluster mean field theory we show that short-range correlations are responsible for the emergence of a chaotic dynamical region. Analyzing the fine details of the phase diagram, we show that the resulting chaotic dynamics bears close analogies with that of a tossed coin.
Dynamical phase transition in the transverse field Ising chain characterized by the transverse magnetization spectral function
Piccitto G., Silva A.
We study the response of a quantum Ising chain to transverse field oscillations in the asymptotic state attained after a quantum quench. We show that for quenches across a quantum phase transition, the dissipative part of the response at low frequencies is negative, corresponding to energy emission up to a critical frequency ω∗. The latter is found to be connected to the time period t∗ of the singularities in the Loschmidt echo (t∗=2π/ω∗) signaling the presence of a dynamical quantum phase transition. This result suggests that a linear-response experiment can be used to detect this kind of phenomenon.
Prethermal quantum many-body Kapitza phases of periodically driven spin systems
Lerose A., Marino J., Gambassi A., Silva A.
As realized by Kapitza long ago, a rigid pendulum can be stabilized upside down by periodically driving its suspension point with tuned amplitude and frequency. While this dynamical stabilization is feasible in a variety of systems with few degrees of freedom, it is natural to search for generalizations to multiparticle systems. In particular, a fundamental question is whether, by periodically driving a single parameter in a many-body system, one can stabilize an otherwise unstable phase of matter against all possible fluctuations of its microscopic degrees of freedom. In this paper, we show that such stabilization occurs in experimentally realizable quantum many-body systems: A periodic modulation of a transverse magnetic field can make ferromagnetic spin systems with long-range interactions stably trapped around unstable paramagnetic configurations as well as in other unconventional dynamical phases with no equilibrium counterparts. We demonstrate that these quantum Kapitza phases have a long lifetime and can be observed in current experiments with trapped ions.
Crossover from fast to slow dynamics in a long range interacting Ising chain
Piccitto G., Silva A.
Quantum many body systems with long range interactions are known to display many fascinating phenomena experimentally observable in trapped ions, Rydberg atoms and polar molecules. Among these are dynamical phase transitions which occur after an abrupt quench in spin chains with interactions decaying as r−α and whose critical dynamics depend crucially on the power α: for systems with α < 1 the transition is sharp while for α > 1 it fans out in a chaotic crossover region. In this paper we explore the fate of critical dynamics in Ising chains with long-range interactions when the transverse field is ramped up with a finite speed. While for abrupt quenches we observe a chaotic region that widens as α is increased, the width of the crossover region diminishes as the time of the ramp increases, suggesting that chaos will disappear altogether and be replaced by a sharp transition in the adiabatic limit.
Quasilocalized excitations induced by long-range interactions in translationally invariant quantum spin chains
Lerose A., Žunkovič B., Silva A., Gambassi A.
We show that long-range ferromagnetic interactions in quantum spin chains can induce spatial quasilocalization of topological magnetic defects, i.e., domain walls, even in the absence of quenched disorder. Utilizing matrix-product-states numerical techniques, we study the nonequilibrium evolution of initial states with one or more domain walls under the effect of a transverse field in variable-range quantum Ising chains. Upon increasing the range of these interactions, we demonstrate the occurrence of a sharp transition characterized by the suppression of spatial diffusion of the excitations during the accessible time scale: the excess energy density remains localized around the initial position of the domain walls. This quasilocalization is accurately reproduced by an effective semiclassical model, which elucidates the crucial role that long-range interactions play in this phenomenon. The predictions of this Rapid Communication can be tested in current experiments with trapped ions.
Floquet time crystals in clock models
Surace F., Russomanno A., Dalmonte M., Silva A., Fazio R., Iemini F.
We construct a class of period-n-tupling discrete time crystals based on Zn clock variables, for all the integers n. We consider two classes of systems where this phenomenology occurs: disordered models with short-range interactions and fully connected models. In the case of short-range models, we provide a complete classification of time-crystal phases for generic n. For the specific cases of n=3 and n=4, we study in detail the dynamics by means of exact diagonalization. In both cases, through an extensive analysis of the Floquet spectrum, we are able to fully map the phase diagram. In the case of infinite-range models, the mapping onto an effective bosonic Hamiltonian allows us to investigate the scaling to the thermodynamic limit. After a general discussion of the problem, we focus on n=3 and n=4, representative examples of the generic behavior. Remarkably, for n=4 we find clear evidence of a crystal-to-crystal transition between period n-tupling and period n/2-tupling.
Impact of nonequilibrium fluctuations on prethermal dynamical phase transitions in long-range interacting spin chains
Lerose A., Žunkovič B., Marino J., Gambassi A., Silva A.
We study the nonequilibrium phase diagram and the dynamical phase transitions occurring during the prethermalization of nonintegrable quantum spin chains, subject to either quantum quenches or linear ramps of a relevant control parameter. We consider spin systems in which long-range ferromagnetic interactions compete with short-range, integrability-breaking terms. We capture the prethermal stages of the nonequilibrium evolution via a time-dependent spin-wave expansion at leading order in the spin-wave density. In order to access regimes with strong integrability breaking, instead, we perform numerical simulations based on the time-dependent variational principle with matrix product states. By investigating a large class of quantum spin models, we demonstrate that nonequilibrium fluctuations can significantly affect the dynamics near critical points of the phase diagram, resulting in a chaotic evolution of the collective order parameter, akin to the dynamics of a classical particle in a multiple-well potential subject to quantum friction. We also elucidate the signature of this novel dynamical phase on the time-dependent correlation functions of the local order parameter. We finally establish a connection with the notion of dynamical quantum phase transition associated with a possible nonanalytic behavior of the return probability amplitude, or Loschmidt echo, showing that the latter displays cusps whenever the order parameter vanishes during its real-time evolution.
Scrambling and entanglement spreading in long-range spin chains
Pappalardi S., Russomanno A., Žunkovič B., Iemini F., Silva A., Fazio R.
We study scrambling in connection with multipartite entanglement dynamics in regular and chaotic long-range spin chains, characterized by a well-defined semi-classical limit. For regular dynamics, scrambling and entanglement dynamics are found to be very different: up to the Ehrenfest time, they rise side by side, departing only afterward. Entanglement saturates and becomes extensively multipartite, while scrambling, characterized by the dynamic of the square commutator of initially commuting variables, continues its growth up to the recurrence time. Remarkably, the exponential growth of the latter emerges not only in the chaotic case but also in the regular one, when the dynamics occurs at a dynamical critical point.

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